My Services

Meet in person/phone with world renowned Celebrity Astrologer & Vastu Consultant Dr. Sundeep Kochar for a holistic combined consultation including Vedic Astrology, Palmistry and Face Reading; on your life today…

Horoscope + Palmistry + Face Reading Complete Analysis: Over the phone/Video call

Get astrological insights and accurate predictions from India’s leading celebrity astrologer, Dr. Sundeep Kochar, which will help you keep your best foot forward in situations life puts forward. Have one To one conversation with Dr. Kochar and get a comprehensive study of your personal life chart, horoscope readings, along with additional services such as face reading, palmistry, and Vedic astrology. Dr. Kochar’s holistic horoscope analysis and precise insights about aspects such as business, relationships, and career including the Remedies for your problem that will help make better life decisions. To fix an appointment, kindly refer to the following information:
Horoscope Over Phone

Bank Details:

Planets by Sundeep Kochar (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Current Account no – 777705303066
Four Bungalows Branch, Andheri West, Mumbai 400053

For appointment WhatsApp or Call on



INR 21000 *Including GST
for one person (30 Minutes)
INR 36000 *Including GST
for a couple (60 Minutes)

Horoscope + Palmistry + Face Reading Complete Analysis: Personal Meeting

Horoscope + Palmistry + Face Reading Complete Analysis: In-Person Meeting Receive astrological insights and precise predictions from India’s leading celebrity astrologer, Dr. Sundeep Kochar, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with confidence. Engage in a personalized one-on-one consultation with Dr. Kochar to delve into your personal life chart, horoscope readings, along with the face reading, palmistry, and Vedic astrology. Benefit from Dr. Kochar’s comprehensive horoscope analysis and tailored insights on areas such as business, relationships, and career, including recommended practical remedies to enhance decision-making. To schedule a face to face appointment, please refer to the following information:
Horoscope Face-to-Face

Bank Details:

Planets by Sundeep Kochar (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Current Account no – 777705303066
Four Bungalows Branch, Andheri West, Mumbai 400053

For appointment WhatsApp or Call on



INR 24000 *Including GST
for one person (30 Minutes)
INR 42000 *Including GST
for a couple (60 Minutes)

Match Making

Ashtakoot Guna milaan (Kundali matching) along with the detailed analysis of both the horoscopes… Describing nature, character, care, love emotional imbalances and married life of individuals…. Giving complete understanding of the future spouse before hand; which helps to know & handle each other in a better way to lead a beautiful & harmonious life together forever…
Moreover it’s not about only Matching both the horoscopes, but also incorporating palmistry & face reading to ensure a life long bond of marital bliss…

Bank Details:

Planets by Sundeep Kochar (OPC) Pvt Ltd
Current Account no – 777705303066
Four Bungalows Branch, Andheri West, Mumbai 400053

For appointment WhatsApp or Call on


Moreover it’s not about only Matching both the horoscopes, but also incorporating palmistry & face reading to ensure a life long bond of marital bliss…


INR 24000 *Including GST (Over the Phone)
for (30 Minutes)
(INR 36000) *Including GST (Over the Phone)
for (60 Minutes)

Horoscope + Palmistry + Face Reading Overseas Clients (residing outside India)

Get astrological insights and accurate predictions from India’s leading celebrity astrologer, Dr. Sundeep Kochar, who will help you keep your best foot forward in different situations life puts in front of you. Indulge yourself in a one To one conversation with Dr. Kochar and get a comprehensive study of your personal life chart, and horoscope readings. Having guided several clients, Dr. Kochar’s services are sought after. He offers precise life revelations along with additional services such as face reading, palmistry and Vedic astrology. Dr. Kochar’s holistic horoscope analysis and precise insights about major aspects such as business, relationships and career will help you make better life decisions. To fix an appointment for personal and insightful reading, kindly refer below:
USD 300 for one person (30 Minutes)
USD 500 for a couple (60 Minutes)

Complete Life Analysis: Including Palmistry, Face Reading & Horoscope